I’m just read a great book Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi. To be honest I didn’t think I’d learn much as I’ve read hundreds of personal development books. But I was wrong it’s great book.

Lesson 1. Are you on a treadmill and not a ladder?

One of the topics that struck me most was that many of us fool ourselves that we’re busy… “You’re are going faster than ever before, but you may be on a treadmill and not a ladder.” So my question for you this week is are you on a treadmill (repeating the same patterns over and over and not really making progress) or are you on a ladder (consciously taking your life to the next level)? 

Lesson 2. Have you paid the success tax? 

So you may be asking “what’s success tax?” It’s not a tax on the wealthy as you might at first think. Dean Grazziosi talks about the “success tax” as a great way to reframe failures, losses, struggles, challenges and disappointments in life. He suggests that there may be a success auditor out there in the Universe keeping tabs. Want to be successful? First you have to pay the success tax. The success tax requires that you have to put in the work… the blood, sweat and tears… you have to fail, you have to make mistakes, you have to struggle. Only then will you have paid enough success tax to be successful. Personally I found it a very empowering concept. 

So my question for you to ponder… If there is something you really want to be successful at in life and so far it’s been a struggle… could it be that those challenges were all part of you paying the success tax? It can be a great reframe!