You can only truly focus on one thing at a time. What you focus your attention on has a big impact on your experience and your productivity. Here are a few examples of how powerful this choice can be: 

  • You can choose to focus on what you lack (aka scarcity mindset) OR you can choose to focus on and be grateful for what you have (aka abundance mindset). 
  • You can focus on what you can’t control (this is a common cause of stress) OR you can focus on what you can control (you may have heard me talk about direct and complete circles of influence). 
  • You can focus on the past (regret, guilt, sadness) OR you can focus on creating the future you want to create. 
  • You can focus on problems OR on finding solutions. 
  • You can focus on doing things that are not important or urgent OR on things that are important and make you feel fulfilled. 

So what will you choose to focus on this week?